Showing posts with label The Burden Bearer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Burden Bearer. Show all posts

Jesus The Burden Bearer

Text: Psalm 55:22; Isaiah 53:4-12

It rejoices our hearts that Jesus has not only secured our eternity with God, He is ever present to relieve us of our burdens even in this present evil world. What are you passing through? Is it trials, persecutions, poverty, depression, temptation, difficulties? Jesus the Burden Bearer had settled the bill for your freedom long ago on the cross. You don't have to continue to bear the burden. All you need to do is to take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.

Jesus has done what none other could do. He was beaten for our healing; He bore our sins on the cross and rose triumphantly from the dead. He came down from His glory to have a taste of what we are going through and is now interceding for us in heaven and continues as long as the battle is ongoing. No one is qualified as He is to lay claim on the title "the Burden Bearer".

For the three (3) Hebrew men in the fiery furnace, Jesus identified with them in their problem, and delivered them from the fire. Mary and Martha when bereaved of Lazarus; Jesus moved with compassion wept at the grave side and raise him up. The disciples in the storm while struggling against the wind felt deserted, but Jesus came to their aid and rescue the situation. Elijah the prophet while under the threat of Jezebel, Paul while on the stormy sea and a host of others enjoyed this good gesture of burden bearing by the Lord.

These are evidences to show that the Lord cares about what happens to you and is always ready to deliver you from trouble. His everlasting arms will uphold us if we simply relinquish our unnecessary fears and cease from our own carnal efforts. The safety and serenity offered by such a complete reliance on Him will quieten our hearts even in our most desperate hours of difficulty. The eternal God is a never-failing help when we flounder in the sea of trial and sorrow.

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